The six supreme ingredients are called in Tibetan medicine bZang-po dRug. They specifically treat the five vital organs, blood vessels and the nervous system and they are the most important ingredients used in Tibetan medicine.

The first of the six supreme ingredients is Chu- Khang and the latin name is Bambusa arundinaceae. Chu-khang is used to treat lung diseases and to reduce inflammation in wounds.

The second supreme ingredient is called Gur–cum in Tibetan and the latin name is Carthamus tinctorius. It treats liver diseases and bleeding.

The third supreme ingredient is called Li-shi in Tibetan and the latin name is Eugenia aromatica. It treats the nervous system, appetite, stomach and liver disease, it aids digestion and circulation.

The fourth supreme ingredients is Za-ti in Tibetan and the latin name is Myristica fragrans. It treats loong and heart disease.

The fifth supreme ingredient is Sug-mel in Tibetan and the Latin name is Elettaria cardamomum. It treats the kidneys and cold diseases.

The sixth supreme ingredient is ka-ko-la in Tibetan and the Latin name is Amomum sabulatum. It treats spleen and stomach diseases.

Homage to Buddha Vaiduryaprabha.
Transcendent one compassionately acting on
Behalf of living beings,
The mere hearing of whose name offers sanctuary
From the sufferings of inferior existences,
Spiritual master of medicine, dispelling diseases
Caused by the three poisons –
Attachment, aversion and delusion.